Installation of DigiSheetApp (Android / iOS)

Download DigiSheet from GooglePlay, Appstore or the Download-Section.

The installation process is similiar to all other apps, no special authorizations are needed.

Start DigiSheet

Start the DigiSheetApp by clicking on the newly installed application.

The App will start and a login form will show up.

Enter your Userdata and the IPv4-Address of the running DigiSheetServer.

Press "Login" if your userdata already exists, or "Register" if you want to register as a new user.

Troubleshooting when Connection to Server fails

Check the Status-text of DigiSheetDesktop/Server and make sure that it is running.
Make sure the entered IPv4 - Address is valid and the network is correctly set up.
Make sure that no firewall blocks input / output of the DigiSheetServer process.